If you are one of those trying to make their way into the world of digital assets or you’ve been in it but need more conviction, you need to follow up with this chitchat we had with Omotara Akanni (the new influencer we signed at SekiApp), where he talked about digital assets and why you need to trade yours on SekiApp. This is what she has to say:
SekiApp: Can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do for a living?
Motara: My name is Omotara Akanni. I do a lot of things; I venture into so many things. For now, I will like to call myself a business mogul, a content creator and so many other things because “one way did not enter the market😄 (there’s no one way to make it in life)”
SekiApp: So, would you call yourself an influencer?
Motara: Yes! I’m a brand influencer. That’s like the umbrella term that covers it all.
SekiApp: Interesting! Has becoming an influencer always been on your mind? And what motivated you to become an influencer?
Motara: Same thing that motivates us all to work – Sapa🙃 (poverty, hunger). “The fear of Sapa is the beginning of Wisdom”. Secondly, I don’t think anything really inspired me. I just started doing it and people liked my content and that’s just it.
SekiApp: How has been the experience so far? Has it been all positive or all negative; is it going smoothly or it has been rough?
Motara: Well, it hasn’t been all positive and that’s just life basically (we have the rainy days and the sunny days). But I would say that it’s been good and I enjoy it.
SekiApp: Considering how competitive your industry is, what distinguishes you from other Influencers?
Motara: First of all, I am not in competition with anybody. The truth is that what I do, nobody can do it; and I don’t want to be anybody else. When I drop my content, people relate to it and they enjoy it; that’s my waving flag!
SekiApp: What do you do for fun when you’re not working?
Motara: I am an introvert; I don’t like going out. So, I watch movies (K-drama) whenever I want to have fun. I read novels; I like facing the camera – I just want to talk, even if I won’t post it.

SekiApp: So, have you ever heard about Cryptocurrency (and digital assets as a whole) and what do you think about it?
Motara: Yes! I see it everywhere – on Twitter, Instagram and on the internet generally-. I think it’s a nice initiative and it’s the future of finance. One special thing about it is that it isn’t owned by any country in particular and you can use it to receive payment from anywhere.
SekiApp: What do you think about SekiApp as an indigenous platform for trading digital assets(cryptocurrency and gift cards)?
Motara: SekiApp is a user-friendly platform to trade your digital assets. The best thing about it is how it makes it easy for everyone to enter the crypto space with minimal funds and also cuts costs for users and prospects in all ways possible.
SekiApp: What advice would you give people about trading digital assets?
Motara: I think people shouldn’t let this pass them by. This is the future, and there is no going back. If you don’t want to keep living under the rock, make sure to join the train and be intentional about it by downloading SekiApp now.
It was a really fun moment, and we wish it wouldn’t end. You’ve heard from Omotara Akanni herself. she already advised you to join the SekiApp platform to enjoy the fastest, easiest and safest trading experience. If you don’t want to fall behind, be like Omotara and join the SekiTrybe now!
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