What is Bitcoin Halving and How Does It Work?

What is Bitcoin Halving and How Does It Work?

Source: SekiApp Halving in its literal state refers to “reduction by half”. It isn’t very distant from this meaning in the crypto world but has a different context. What is Bitcoin Halving? Bitcoin Halving is

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Is Bitcoin Legal?

Is Bitcoin Legal?

Unraveling the Mystery Source: SekiApp Amidst the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, one question has consistently lingered in the minds of potential investors and enthusiasts alike - "Is Bitcoin legal?" The ambiguity surrounding the legality of

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Safeguarding Your Crypto: Introducing Fraud Deposit on SekiApp

Safeguarding Your Crypto: Introducing Fraud Deposit on SekiApp

A Sure Way to Keep Mischief-Makers at SekiApp’s Bay Source: SekiApp In the realm of cryptocurrencies, trust is the currency that matters most. At SekiApp, we take security seriously, and we're here to ensure that

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Bitcoin: The Email of the Banking Industry

Bitcoin: The Email of the Banking Industry

Source: SekiApp Before the advent of email, sending a letter meant visiting a post office and buying a stamp. However, with the rise of digital communication, the postal industry saw a significant decline in the

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Crypto 101: The Basic Understanding of Cryptocurrency

Crypto 101: The Basic Understanding of Cryptocurrency

Source: SekiApp At the mention of crypto, what comes to your mind? another hard field just like rocket science or a regular topic that’s as simple as ABC. This blog post is here to meet

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What is Bitcoin Lightning Network and How does it work?

What is Bitcoin Lightning Network and How does it work?

Source: SekiApp If you are a loyal follower of the happenings in the crypto space, you must have heard about the latest -in relation to Africa-. If you haven’t, here’s the latest: People in Nigeria,

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What Is the Best Bitcoin Wallet for Beginners?

What Is the Best Bitcoin Wallet for Beginners?

Source: SekiApp If you’re new to the crypto space, you might find a lot of things overwhelming- what it is about, where to get started, how it works, the type of cryptocurrencies, how many crypto

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Why Is My Bitcoin Transaction Taking So Long?

Why Is My Bitcoin Transaction Taking So Long?

Source: SekiApp Have you ever been in this situation before? You chose crypto as the payment method for a client or friend whom you wanted to receive payments from. You kept waiting for it to

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Cryptocurrency: Terms You Need to Know

Cryptocurrency: Terms You Need to Know

Source: SekiApp Every country has its own language and every street has its slang, going to a French country to speak Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo might make you feel like an Alien and not have a chance to

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CAR Accepts Bitcoin as a Legal Tender

CAR Accepts Bitcoin as a Legal Tender

Source:SekiApp Remember when bitcoin was seen as the “forbidden fruit” in Africa? Well, the serpent whispered to CAR and they took a bite from the fruit.  Despite the scepticism of many countries about accepting cryptocurrencies

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